Our solution
for emergency
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techcare alert


TechCare Alert instantly detects anomalies, even the smallest ones, in both the skeletal system and the lungs, supporting radiologists in optimizing exam prioritization and diagnostic quality. For the patient, this means a more secure and streamlined care process.

TechCare Alert, technology for life.

TechCare Alert is a special configuration of the SmartUrgences modules, included in the Milvue Suite. The Milvue Suite software, developed by the Milvue company, is a Class IIa medical device within the meaning of EU Regulation MDR 2017/745 - Notified Body: BSI, CE 2797.


techcare alert


Time saved
for even
patient care.

8 features

Appendicular skeleton fracture| Ribs cage fracture | Joint dislocation | Elbow joint effusion | Pleural effusion | Pneumothorax | …

Milvue is capable of detecting several pathologies on one image, which allows medical teams to search for multiple diagnosis in one shot.

+ 22 %

Improvement in sensitivity**

FDA Study

+ 24 %

Productivity (diagnostic time gain)

FDA Study

1 h

average reduction in waiting time and proven reduction of patient complaints.

«Artificial intelligence reduces waiting time and complaints», 2024, Region Nordjylland


TechCare Alert is designed to help healthcare professionals analyze radiological images. Clinical evaluation and final diagnosis are based solely on the expertise of the healthcare professional.

For all information on the use and characteristics of the product, please read the user guide available on request in the Contact section of the site.


TechCare Alert solution awarded triple IHE certification at the IHE-Europe Connectathon 2024 !

  • IHE AIR : Seamless integration of AI results for accurate diagnostics.
  • IHE IOCM : Rigorous management of medical image modifications.
  • IHE CT : Optimal synchronization of medical devices for efficient data management.

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) is a healthcare industry initiative aimed at improving the way healthcare software systems exchange information. The objective is to ensure greater interoperability among systems that utilize IHE.


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Expert, committed and bold, we work with people who share our values. Discover the opinions of these professionals who have chosen Milvue solutions!

“The introduction of this new tool was simple and natural. The adoption of AI was made easy through its seamless and intuitive integration into our daily workflow. All team members quickly embraced the Milvue Suite.”

Drs Brandouy and Hummel
Limoges, France
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“An innovative solution that addresses a security need by enhancing physicians’ capabilities.”

Dr Arnaud Berthier
GHT Haut Bugey
Bourg-en-Bresse, France
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Profil Picture of Dr Andreani

“The Milvue Solution is a comprehensive and user-friendly solution that enhances analytical capacity while ensuring secure diagnostics. The intelligent management of multiple pathologies within a single solution is a significant advantage because, in many cases, detecting fractures alone is not sufficient. It has become an essential assistant today for handling the continuous flow of X-rays.”

Dr Olivier Andréani
Riviera Imagerie
Nice, France
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