Abstracts of studies, analyses, comments… Discover here all our scientific studies and publications carried out in collaboration with health sector stakeholders and professionals.

AI elbow fractures

External validation of an AI solution for the detection of elbow fractures – Study results | October 2023

Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging (DII). | “External validation of an artificial intelligence solution for the detection of elbow fractures and joint effusions in children.”

Chest Radiography

“Commercially Available Chest Radiograph AI Tools for Detecting Airspace Disease, Pneumothorax, and Pleural Effusion” – Study results | September 2023

Radiology. | “Commercially Available Chest Radiograph AI Tools for Detecting Airspace Disease, Pneumothorax, and Pleural Effusion.”

Rugby IA and fracture : 3 commercial solutions evaluated

IA and fracture : 3 commercial solutions evaluated – Study results | July 2023

Academic Radiology. | « Artificial Intelligence for Detecting Acute Fractures in Patients Admitted to an Emergency Department: Real-Life Performance of Three Commercial Algorithms »

Spinal Telemetry and AI

Spinal Telemetry and AI – Study results | March 2023

Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging (DII).  | « Automatic deep learning-based assessment of spinopelvic coronal and sagittal alignment. »

Scientific Publication _ Radiologist - Deep learning radiography

Deep learning and radiography in the ER – Study results | March 2023

European Journal of Radiology Open. | “Assessment of a combined musculoskeletal and chest deep learning-based detection solution in an emergency setting.”