What is Milvue and what does the solution offer?
Milvue is an artificial intelligence solution specializing in the analysis of medical images, particularly in radiology. It enables the detection of pathologies and performs precise anatomical measurements on various types of medical images.
Is Milvue's AI certified?
Milvue offers a range of solutions. We distribute them in the following markets: Europe (CE), Canada (Canada Health), and the US (FDA). Each solution has its specific certifications, which you can discover below :
Europe (CE) :
TechCare Alert, Bones, Spine, and Kids are specific configurations of the SmartUrgences and SmartXpert modules included in the Milvue Suite. The Milvue Suite software, developed by Milvue, is a Class IIa medical device under EU MDR 2017/745 regulations - Notified Body: BSI, CE 2797.
TechCare Chest is a commercial offering integrating a specific configuration of the SmartUrgences module and the aview LCS Plus solution. The "aview LCS Plus" software, developed by Coreline Soft, is a Class IIa medical device under the 93/42/EEC directive - Notified Body: BUREAU VERITAS ITALIA, CE1370.
TechCare Breast is a commercial offering integrating Therapixel software. Therapixel software is a Class IIa medical device, CE marked according to the MDD 93/42/EEC directive (by Notified Body DQSE2017).
Canada : Smart Trauma is approved by Health Canada and classified as a Class IIa medical device.
US : FDA clearance. SmartChest is a class II medical device according to US regulations.
Are there clinical proofs of Milvue AI's performance?
Several clinical studies have been conducted with our solutions. They are available on our website via the following link : https://www.milvue.com/en/publications/
How many images has Milvue tested its solution on?
Our AI has been trained on over one million images and continues to improve through anonymized data provided by our partner centers and clients.
Where does Milvue source images to test its software?
The images used to train our AI are provided by our partner centers, ensuring quality learning based on real-world data.
How many users benefit from Milvue's AI solution?
Milvue’s AI is currently installed in over 150 sites (public hospitals, private clinics, radiology centers, etc.) and used worldwide—from Latin America to the Middle East, North America, and Europe.
What is the accuracy of Milvue's AI?
The accuracy of our AI ranges between 90% and 93%, depending on the patient population and age. Milvue excels in pediatrics, where it outperforms competing solutions.
Is Milvue's AI as effective as a radiologist?
While our solution does not replace a radiologist, it achieves a level of precision comparable to that of a senior radiologist, especially when assisting an emergency physician.