Article Partnership _ Milvue presents its news and announces the launch of its community around Collaborative Intelligence - JFR 2022 Presentations

JFR 2022 Presentations

Summary of presentations and ongoing studies:

👉 Contribution of artificial intelligence for radiographic lesion detection in emergency situations with Dr. Alexandre Parpaleix, President and CMO of MILVUE

👉 Evaluation of artificial intelligence in fracture detection in children: preliminary results , with Dr. Manon Prouveau from Bordeaux University Hospital

👉AI in pediatric radiotherapy: contribution of the Milvue Suite offer, with Dr. Alexandre Parpaleix, President and CMO of MILVUE

👉Automatic analysis of spine telemetry: retrospective evaluation of SmartXpert® performance, with Dr. Daphne Guenoun Meyssignac, APHM (Assistance Publique – Hopitaux de Marseille), Public Hospitals Hôpital Sainte Marguerite

> See other Milvue news.

Presentation by Alexandre Parpaleix of Milvue during the JFR 2022 :