Our Partners

Nehs Digital

Nehs Digital, Publisher, integrator and distributor of health solutions in medical imaging and teleradiology


A vendor-independent AI integration platform for all radiology departments.

Softway Medical

For over 25 years, Softway Medical has been committed to improving healthcare performance. Softway Medical equips over 1,200 radiology practices and 1,100 healthcare establishments, and employs almost 800 talented people.


Telemis specializes in medical equipment, PACS/MACS, digital pathology and business intelligence solutions for healthcare.


Therapixel is a software publisher specializing in Artificial Intelligence applied to medical imaging founded in 2013 by two INRIA researchers. Winner of the “Digital Mammography DREAM Challenge” in 2017, Therapixel has developed MammoScreen™: software to help interpret mammograms.


Union des groupements d’achats publics (UGAP) is the first general public purchasing center


Making AI useful and accessible is the promise kept by Milvue, the new partner referenced by the Vidi network.