Latest News from Milvue
GMM partnership

GMM Group & Milvue continues their improvements … | Press Release

Partnership – GMM Group and Milvue continue to evolve to support the medical imaging revolution.

Interview TV Alexandre Parpaleix Milvue

đź“» “An AI that reads radios !” – Interview of Dr Parpaleix

Interview with Dr. Parpaleix, Milvue’s President and Chief Medical Officer, on BSMART.

Lauréat FrenchHEalthcare

Milvue is the winner of the first French Tech Health20 promotion

The French Tech Health20 is a support program of the Mission French Tech, in partnership with the Agency for Innovation in Health, dedicated to promising startups in health tech, and we are proud to be the first winners !

Article Partnership _ Milvue presents its news and announces the launch of its community around Collaborative Intelligence - JFR 2022 Presentations

Milvue presents its news : the launch of its community

Always attentive and closer to radiologists, Milvue, a specialist in medical imaging workflows and artificial intelligence, is evolving towards collaborative intelligence to make its solutions even more useful, more efficient, more integrated and more accessible to all actors in the world of health.

Projet DAISI : Lauréat de l'AMI

DAISI Project : AMI Winner

DAISI PROJECT: Increased diagnosis of non-symptomatic intracranial aneurysms in MRI

MedTech | Alexandre Parpaleix (co-founder of Milvue)

MedTech | Alexandre Parpaleix (co-founder of Milvue)

” Thanks to our technology that uses AI, we help emergency physicians and simplify the work of radiologists “

latest news_radiography of the right hand

Milvue raises €8 million

Revolutionizing emergency imaging with AI